Textile Machinery Sales and Service
Broad loom weaving machinery / narrow fabric equipment for the production of a wide range of fabric types and applications.
A full range of accessories for use in all aspects of the spinning, warping, and especially weaving processes.
Machinery for the creation and transportation of warps.
"Your Essential Partner"
Celebrating 40 years' in the textile industry, Allertex have grown into being one of the the leading textile machinery sales and service agency organisations in the United Kingdom. We represent some of Europe's leading manufacturers in their respective fields in the sectors of Warp Preparation, Broad and Narrow fabric Weaving, Fibre / yarn processing, and Dyeing. These include the weaving machine maker Lindauer DORNIER, for whom Allertex have been a trusted partner for over 30 years , the Warping machine manufacturer Karl MAYER, and new additional to the family, Narrow fabric machinery producer Jakob MÜLLER.
We are committed to the UK textile industry and aim to:
Provide the best possible service to both our principals and our customers.
Offer technical solutions to our customers to overcome problems by providing a wide range of quality products which have been proven to be amongst the best in their fields at a competitive price.
To keep our customers at the forefront of modern technology by advising them of the latest developments and, thus helping the UK textile market withstand the pressures of the globalised market place.
Spinning systems for natural and manmade fibres and their blends.
Package, beam, and piece dyeing equipment for the widest range of fabrics. Innovative energy and water saving solutions.
Machinery for the fringing / cutting of scarf production. Transport belts / aprons for a broad range of machinery.
Agents for leading manufacturers including: